We had a wonderful time celebrating Reconciliation Week with local elders, children, and families last week.
Sharon Mason, a Yuin/Monaroo women and the artistic director for the Djaadjawan dancer's, came to share her knowledge and skills with kids from across the region. She has a strong passion for sharing and showcasing Aboriginal culture. On Monday she taught primary and high school kids from Bombala, kindly hosted by the local public schools. On Tuesday, she then came to Cooma where about 40 kids from local schools came together and learnt a range of dances, as well as creating their own dance together at Monaro High School.
Our open community event was hosted at the Yspace in Cooma on Tuesday night. Families came and created an artwork together, made damper and spent time getting to know one another. This was a lovely opportunity for people to get to know the local services and enjoy a casual night together learning from local elders.
A big thankyou goes out to all the schools who organised their kids to attend the events and offered their spaces, the community organisations who attended and supported the sessions, and to the families and Aboriginal people who engaged with us and made this Reconciliation event so wonderful.